2021 Annual Report

See what God did in 2021!

A Message from Pastor Jason

"Our God always does abundantly more than we can ever hope or imagine! 2021 truly illustrated the truth of that encouraging statement.

Our world continues to rock and quake with the echoes of the global pandemic, and it's easy to see everything that is dark and broken. However in the midst of this darkness God’s light shines so brightly!

At Ignite, we saw that people’s hunger for God was greater than their fear of the pandemic. Even in an economic climate of uncertainty and lack, we saw that generosity did not die. We saw fruitfulness and faithfulness everywhere we looked, keeping our eyes open to the spiritual.

We do not know what 2022 will bring, but as a church family, we have seen that God has never and will never stop blessing, loving, saving, changing, and providing! As we head into a new year we say with confidence and integrity...

the BEST is yet to come!"

2021 Financials*

Total Ministry Expenses - $1,598,499.98

Utilities, Grounds Upkeep, Maintenance, etc.
Ministries in the church such as Ignite kids, Radiate Youth, Ignite Women, etc.
Local and Foreign missions that we partnered with this past year.
All our full time and part time staff for the church.

Building Expansion - $256,983.47

Total Revenues - $1,902,363.31

Total Expenses (Building/Ministry) - $1,864,483.45

Moved to Reserves - $37,879.86

*All Financials were audited by Murphy & Bunch CPA's

Online Reach

Social Media

8,696  -  Facebook Page  Likes
418,569 - Facebook Reach
2,816 -  Instagram Followers
55,740 - Instagram Reach
1829 -  YouTube Subscribers
39,849 - YouTube Views
11,534  - Hours Watched on YouTube

The Ignite App & Website

2,232 - App Downloads
3,143 - Media Plays
23,400 - Website Visits
46 - Countries Represented in Website Users

He's Just Getting Started

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we could ever ask or imagine...

2021 was such an incredible year of ministry and we can't wait to see how God is going to use Ignite Church in 2022!